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Your Comments
On this page all the comments you will see and read have been sent in by users of my site via the guestbook page. They comment on my site, what I should add and how to improve my site. If you would like to see your comments posted here please sign the guestbook or email me using the link below. Pleas send appropiate comments only. Any offensive comments wil not be seen by anyone but myself so you will be wasting your time if you do send any.

This is one of my favorite images
A fantastic Ik Onkar. A 3D image which hits you in the face striaghtaway.
  Comments 1
"I love this fab website, it has ace pictures, useful information and handy links. I searched for Sikhism on many search engines and yours was on all the main ones. It was also advertised on Sikhseek. As i was researching Sikhism for my essay, much of the information on this brilliant website came in handy." (Dilbhar Sewak)
"Sat Sri Akal. Your site is fantastic. All the information is very informative and accurate. I have learnt so mucj from this site. The pics are great and the links are also very good"
"Congratulations on such a wicked site. It is very rare that I have seen such a professional website devoted solely to Sikhi. You promote our religion very well. Keep up the hard work."

Comments 2
"This ite is very informative and also interesting. Many of the younger to middle aged sector of our Sikh community know so little about their faith and you are doing a very good job in teaching them."
"This site is so cool. I have told my friends about it. The literature is fantastic and it is very well complimented by the good pictures on the photo page. There is also a very good balance of pictures and text"

Sign The Gusetbook

More Comments
"Your site is very good in some respects but I think thay you are deterring us younger visitors from visiting your site. Your site would benefit from a bit more about the Sikhi culture i.e.Bhangra."
"Is there any chance that you can add some music for us to listen to online? your site would then be truly rough."

Email me with your comments

Nishan Sahib
The Nishan Sahib. A distinctive orange flag with A black Kanda on either side. Where ever you see one you will instantly know that a Gurdwara is close by.

Spinning Kanda
A fantastic silver Spinning Kanda.